Housing Kent Collaborates With Community Partners To Combat Housing Inequality
Housing Kent, a non-partisan organization in Grand Rapids, Michigan, was established in 2021 to address housing inequalities through KConnect’s partnership with the Housing Stability Alliance (HSA). The HSA was formed in 2018 by a group of housing service providers in Kent County to increase affordable housing, dissolve homelessness, and eliminate racial disparities… Read the Full Article
Affordable Housing, a Landlord’s Story
“How much profit is enough? There are too many property managers and owners who are gouging the consumer…” According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2020 Kent County showed a population of 657,974. Of that population, about 10% were Black/African American, and approximately 8.04% of people identified themselves as having at least two races. While […]
A Place to Call Home
“We moved around a lot. With four boys in my family, we would tear up the apartment. Then we’d get kicked out and have to find a shelter that had space to take us…” Imagine for a moment a child moving around frequently because the family has been asked to leave their apartment, the reason […]
HSA Summary – March 2023
HOUSING STABILITY ALLIANCE March 2023 Meeting Summary and Network Next Steps The Housing Stability Alliance (HSA) gathered in-person on March 10, 2023 for the first time since before the pandemic. Goals included: 1) provide an overview of the HSA and Housing Kent, 2) understand System Thinking v. Siloed Thinking and the impacts on collective impact […]
New documentary sheds light on the housing crisis in Kent County
More than 360 people recently turned out for the premiere of a new documentary portraying the true depths of the housing crisis in Kent County at Wealthy Theater. The documentary, “Finding Home: America’s Housing Crisis in Kent County,” follows the stories of three different families facing housing insecurity, as well as the three years of […]