June 2024 Meeting Summary and Network Next Steps
The Housing Stability Alliance (HSA) gathered in person on June 14, 2024. Goals included: 1) a review of the Data Dashboard and receiving feedback from service providers on how they are integrating it into their work, 2) sharing the System Pathways to Housing Stability framework for the State of Housing Report, and 3) receiving feedback from the HSA regarding the Priority
Projects as action points to impact the metrics of the Dashboard. There were 53 people in attendance.
President Eureka People opened the convening with the poem “Harlem” by Langston Hughes. It was the perfect segue into our shared vision – that every person in Kent County should be stably housed—or better. To ensure that, the HSA will focus on increasing affordable housing, dissolving homelessness, and eliminating the racial disparities in the housing system. Next, she used the image of the human body struggling with right knee pain and what happens when the body overcompensates for the pain—another area ends up being overworked and strained, to aid the group in better understanding system mapping. Eureka introduced the System Pathways to Housing Stability, which maps the various pathways available to an individual or family when a housing crisis occurs.
Table Talk Sessions
There were two rounds of discussion based on the System Pathways. The first discussion was on the helpfulness of the document and whether there was anything missing from the document. The second discussion was related to gaps in the system. Each table could place red dots where they felt there were system gaps and name what those gaps were. That feedback was collected by Housing Kent to review in preparation for the State of Housing Report.
During the report-out, attendees mentioned the need for more case management even after housing is secured, particularly when it comes to renting. They also felt that engaging landlords is vital to the success of tenancies and keeping households stable.
With the need for action to see more targeted change across the Housing Stability Continuum, Housing Kent shared a comprehensive solutions list that spanned the Continuum and points back to the Data Dashboard. While much work is being done across the housing system, Housing Kent sees the State of Housing Report as an opportunity to advocate on behalf of the
HSA to bring needed resources to a targeted group of projects over a three-year period. The HSA was able to hear directly from those who are connected to or participating in the Three-Year Priority Projects list and ask questions for clarification. The projects fall under one of the following categories:
- Homeownership Affordability
- Rental Affordability
- Homelessness Response
- Equity + Access
The HSA conducted a dot vote for each category of projects. Green meant “proceed”, yellow meant “proceed, with changes,” and blue meant “redesign.” Any feedback could be written on voting boards.
While all of the projects received a majority vote in favor of proceeding or proceeding with changes during the HSA, there was feedback related to changes and redesigns as well. Housing Kent is reviewing all of the feedback received as it moves forward on the State of Housing Report.
Next Steps
Housing Kent will be meeting with several system conveners in the weeks ahead regarding feedback given during the HSA as it prepares to complete the State of Housing Report. The report aims to help funding decision-makers have a clearer understanding of the housing system in Kent County and what collaborations and investments are needed to impact the metrics on our data dashboard.
The next Housing Stability Alliance convening is scheduled for Friday, September 13, 2024. Registration and additional information will become available in late July.
We know that no one organization or program can fix the housing crisis in Kent County. It will take all of us in the community to change the housing system. If you have not joined one of the action teams, please consider joining Data & Shared Measurement, Community Engagement, or Policy & Advocacy. To learn more about the teams, please visit our website and complete this form. You can also reach out to info@housingkent.org.
Housing our community is the responsibility of all of us. Please consider joining us to help build this coalition to make Kent County a model for a fair and stably housed community. Thank you for being part of this work.