Housing Stability Alliance Resources
What is the Housing Stability Alliance?
In 2018, a group of community leaders spearheaded efforts to address the severe and growing housing crisis in Kent County. From these conversations, a movement was born to study the issue and the HSA came into being. Its mission was to “dissolve homelessness, increase affordable housing, and eliminate the racial disparities within the system”. In 2020, the HSA determined that addressing the extreme housing instability in Kent County could best be achieved by creating a new nonprofit, based on the collective impact model and Housing Kent was created.
HSA Summary – October 2024
HOUSING STABILITY ALLIANCE October 2024 Meeting Summary The Housing Stability Alliance (HSA) gathered in person on October 25, 2024. The goals included 1) a greater
Latest HSA Meeting Recaps
Featured HSA Resources
The Collective Impact Model
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Join an Action Team
Let’s redefine the path home together.
We are always on the lookout for passionate individuals. If you are interested in our work and are excited by the opportunity to create a more equitable Kent County, please contact us today to join one of our Action Teams. Our actions teams include shared data and measurement, community engagement, eviction prevention, and policy and advocacy.